Saturday, 9 June 2007

Charity begins at home

With the end of the G8 Summit promising billions in aid to Africa to help in the fight for famine relief, it is appropriate that we look a little closer to home to see what help and support we can give to those people who struggle to find enough to eat each day.

To most of us, a plate of food three times a day is a right - but to others a plate of meat and vegetables is a luxury. Indeed, most people that we know are lucky because they enjoy a balanced diet and always have plenty to eat and drink. But you may be surprised that there are still some people living amongst us who struggle to find enough food to eat each day.

Yes, poverty is amongst us.

You will be shocked to learn that one of our own members is currently living a meagre existence, trying desperatly to find those calories he needs to feed his body so that he is able to work. Yes - to Shane, a pie is but a distant memory; a pork chop with the rind all fat and crispy a remnant buried away in his memory; a spotted dick but an ambition.

Shane - we're all thinking about you. We know how hard it must be to try and live with nothing but a lettuce leaf and multi-vitamin mushy bar with chocolate flavour soya shake to keep the wolf from the door. So, some of us waddies have decided that enough is enough - and we're dedicating this part of the Internet to try and encourage your fellow human beings to show some compassion and donate you some proper food.

The Keep Shane's Tummy Full Campaign is now officially up and running- so, come on you waddies - show just what a marvelous club we are - and donate your own favourite food to our Shane.

Because, remember.

Charity begins at home.

To donate to the keep Shane's Tummy Full campaign, send your donation to - or simply post a comment here

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